Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Magic of a Clementine - July 25

When Best Wife and Pappy 12 crossed MA Route 41 what do you think was lying in the grass next to the AT? How about a cache of clementines? They really hit the spot like not many things can. Wish I could thank the angel who left them there, just for us.

We love the variety of the forest floor. One minute it's nothing but brown pine needles with an aroma that's out of this world. The next it's thick with ferns. Then lush undergrowth of all kinds of low growing plants. All the while the beauty of tall straight trees never fades. I thought by now the beauty of just a plain old every day forest would not be so enticing. After living in the woods for 4 months I thought I might get tired of looking at trees. But that hasn't happened yet. I have not been affected by green tunnel syndrome. Still am smitten with the beauty of the forest, and glad of it since that is what I look at 12 hours a day.

Hiked through the area of Shays Rebellion today.

Some hikers use an umbrella in the rain instead of a pack cover or a poncho. One guy had an umbrella mounted on his head. Look mom, no hands.

All through NY, Conn, and now MA we see lots of stone walls. Lots of material laying around to build them.

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